MILOS – branding a world leading guitarist

brand development, Culture, Design


MILOŠ, one of the world’s leading classical guitarists, started a philanthropic organization with the vision to become a major hub of artistic influence in the cultural sphere of South Eastern Europe. Driven by a deep sense of gratitude for his extraordinary musical journey, Miloš strives to encourage, support, and inspire immensely talented artists.



Its essence pulsates around the belief that uncompromising excellence and access to opportunities have the power to uplift societies, bridge divides, and unleash transformative creative potential. While rooted in Montenegro, the Foundation’s vision knows no geographical boundaries, which is a true testament to MILOŠ’s global spirit.



The Milos Foundation already exists but does not yet act as a player on the market. The future work of the foundation should be represented to the outside world with a contemporary appearance. We were asked to review the existing communication material, the first logo development, and design a modern, elegant, and contemporary Corporate Design. The brand should radiate internationalism.


Our Solution: 

The concept of culture guides Milos’s foundation design system. We used the Mediterranean shape of a seagull to integrate Milos Montenegrin roots and combine two typefaces: A: Domain Display – a serif typeface that exudes emotionality, appears comfortable and reliable, and has high recognition value. B: Alata – a sans-serif typeface that is easy to read, stable, modern, clear, and suitable for extended reading.

We designed various advertising materials and advertisements to communicate the website.