Glockenweiß – Branding a new project developer

Glockenweiß – Gut für den Kiez

Glockenweiß is a young company for project development in residential construction.
They plan, develop, finance and construct with social commitment in the neighborhood.

We helped them to find the right positioning and developed a brand that is competitive for the market.


  • Branding
  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Business Cards / Papers


Branding, Corporate Identity, key visual and web presence:
The Berlin company Glockenweiß started with a branding process – together with ICONIC.

Architect Christopher Weiß changes sides: together with Andrea van der Bel, he founded the company Glockenweiß, which is dedicated to project development as a building owner – and is intended to fill a gap in the market.

It was clear right from the start that they would need professional help to do this: We are a start-up, says Weiß. So it’s important that you don’t sink into real estate project development in the shark tank and get professional advice right from the start.

Together with the ICONIC brand consulting Berlin, Glockenweiß developed the brand of their company. We deliberately opted for a small and dynamic consulting office … and therefore enjoyed the support of the director,” says Weiß. They were advised by the two managing directors Benjamin Erben and Sören Mund.

ICONIC was positively “surprised” that a young company was investing money in the development of a clear marketing concept: “Especially in Germany, this necessity is not clear to everyone,” says Sören Mund.

According to Weiß, the advantage of the cooperation was that the service can be called up in phases: We could turn to ICONIC whenever we had concrete questions or saw the necessity of commissioning a further step” – Glockenweiß attaches great importance to a step-by-step development – also in order to reflect its own approach.

Successful marketing follows three phases, says Weiß. In the first phase, the slogan, also known as tagline, is developed. This is a kind of lifelong motto for the company that you write on your office wall and look at when you have to make decisions,” explains Weiß.

The tagline is the result of a working process in which ICONIC interviewed the two founders several times – even separately – about their competencies, personality, goals and the market. Between idealism and gentrification, Glockenweiß and ICONIC finally developed the motto
“Gut für den Kiez” (“Good for the neighbourhood”) – according to Weiß a gap in the previous market offer. On the one hand there are the idealistic assemblies or cooperatives without profit intentions and on the other hand the strongly return-oriented, gentrifying locusts, he explains.

”In between we find ourselves as a property developer and project developer with a social claim’. After the development of the motto, we had to work out a corporate identity. In this phase, the question is: What do I want to signal? Which values should our company convey and how?” .. explains Weiß.

For this purpose, mood boards are created, picture boards that convey values in photos, colours and shapes. The third step is to create a corporate design with letterhead, business cards and homepage on the basis of the defined identity. That is then relatively simple. The only problem is that most companies start with the third step before the first step, without thinking about what their company stands for: rather a slow and thorough procedure is the core statement of the strategy of Glockenweiß and ICONIC.

That doesn’t stop with the office equipment, corporate identity is also decisive when choosing the office space. Currently, Glockenweiß’s office is located in the German Architecture Centre in Berlin. We want to be in the middle of the neighbourhood, there must be no inhibitions to get in touch with us”. Glockenweiß already offers the opportunity: they collect ideas for the neighbourhood on a facebook page – another form of acquisition.

Text: Myrta Köhler, from 30.10.2018

with friendly permission of competitionline


brand development, Design, Digital, Social, Startup, Website